Meet Michelle Brandenstein

Growing up in Salt Lake City, Utah, I’ve always had the love for the outdoors and being active. However, it wasn't until the birth of my first daughter in 2009 where that love of being active turned into a passion. Having gained over 60 lbs, I also suffered from debilitating post-partum depression and OCD. It became so bad, that getting out of bed, let alone taking care of a baby was a chore. I knew I needed to get my life back in order, so I joined a gym and this was the start of my fitness journey.

Not too long after, a friend of mine competed in a bodybuilding competition in the very new "Bikini division", which was for women who enjoyed resistance training and were very fit, but not over the top. I was very intrigued with my friend and how she looked, that I made it a goal to compete in a competition like that one day. This started my passion for lifting weights. Not only did weightlifting help me lose the extra baby weight, it ignited a fire to want to learn everything I could about fitness, nutrition and training.

I enrolled at the National Personal Training Institute, which is a very extensive 600 hour program that focuses on exercise science, anatomy, program design, nutrition, and more. I graduated at the very top of my class and obtained my National Academy of Sports Medicine's Certified Personal Trainer Certification as well. I also have a culinary background and went to L'Academie De Cuisine years prior as I had a goal to open an in-home personal training and gourmet, healthy food delivery service for people looking to achieve their weight loss and fitness goals, which I finally opened in 2014 (Fit Delivered).

Fit Delivered started booming and had multiple clients from top-level executives to professional football players in the NFL. I eventually sold Fit Delivered in 2016, took a hiatus and started focusing on fitness competitions and spending time with my two kids and husband.

In 2018, after taking some time off, MB Elite was born. I still have the same passion for helping others to not only achieve their health and fitness goals, but to learn healthy habits along the way and fall in love with the process and allow fitness to change their lives, just as it did mine.


B.S. - Exercise Science

Master Personal Trainer (National Academy of Sports Medicine)

National Personal Training Institute (NPTI) Graduate

Certified Personal Trainer (National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM))

Lvl 1 Nutrition Coach (Precision Nutrition)

Lvl 2 Master Nutrition Coach (Precision Nutrition)

Corrective Exercise Specialist (NASM)

Weight Loss Specialist (NASM)

Performance Enhancement Specialist (NASM)

Nutrition (NPTI)

TRX Specialization (NPTI)

Kettlebell Specialization (NPTI)

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