How Does It All Work?


Is working with a coach a good fit for me?

The answer to that question is - it depends. Online coaching is for someone who is a self-starter, someone who is self-motivated and someone who doesn’t need a ton of direction by working with someone in person - which is what you would get with a personal trainer at the gym (and very valuable BTW for someone who is an absolute beginner and needs help with form and technique of certain exercises). However, our coaching services are like hiring a personal consultant for your fitness and nutrition needs in that it is dynamic and always changing depending on the way your body is responding. We believe in seeing results at every check-in, even if they are small. If you feel that you are this type of person, then online coaching is an excellent fit for you!


Will I Have To Do Keto or Another Fad Diet?

No, at MB Elite, we believe that there is not one true diet or way of eating. You can call us something like a diet-nazi. Everyone is unique and different, and what works for one person may not work for the another person. We believe in finding a diet that has the right macro-nutrient balance and calories for your body-type, but also something that you can sustain and enjoy for a lifetime. We also believe in whole, clean ingredients, choosing mostly nutrient-dense foods and hitting your fiber and micro-nutrient intake. We also believe in flexible nutrition and being able to choose the foods you would like to eat and have variety - even treats (in moderation) while hitting your nutrition goals and seeing results.


What is online nutrition coaching and training?

Working with a coach on an online platform vs. a gym setting can seem very foreign. It is different than training with a trainer at the gym in that everything is done over e-mail, text messages, phone calls, Skype or Zoom sessions and through our Google Drive, website and app. Because of this reason, the going rate is much cheaper than training with a trainer at the gym. As for nutrition-based coaching, it is very similar to working with someone in person as there is not a lot of personal direction needed (like having someone to teach form and technique of different exercises).


How does MB Elite work and coach clients?

All of our clients get a free 1 hour consultation that includes paperwork focused on you, your goals, medical history, current habits, current lifestyle (Yes, sorry! But it’s important!). We then do measurements and body fat using a 9-point formula with calipers as well as photos to get a starting point to track from.

After the consultation, a completely custom plan is written for you based on the program you signed up for (Fitness, Nutrition or Both). We write both nutrition and workout programs based on our client’s unique profile to get them started on their goals. We have our own personal fitness app to keep track of our clients workouts and nutrition and as a way for clients to stay accountable. We also set up a personal Google Drive with our clients that include important information and forms to keep them going - examples are a Daily Goals Tracker and a Flexible Eating Tracker. They also have access to the client portal of our website where they can do their weekly check-ins with Michelle.

To keep clients accountable and to continually track progress, a weekly check-in is done through the MB Elite website and Fitness app. Every two weeks we have an in-person check-in. If you are local, you’ll meet with Michelle face to face or if you are not local, we will do a Zoom call. These are important as we will not only track progress, but talk about any daily struggles, assigned habits and to keep you encouraged and motivated throughout the process. This journey is about you, and we are here to make that journey the most enjoyable as possible!

What Separates MB Elite From Other Online Coaches?

Not only do we focus on fitness and nutrition, but we believe in something called “Deep Health.” Deep health is covering a number of factors that equate to a “Total Wellness”. These factors include: Activity, Nutrition, Managing Stress, Sleep, Recovery, Water Intake, Digestion, Having Balance and Happiness. It is important to us that you are living a healthier life, and we believe that everything is tied together. Weight loss and hitting your goals comes from feeling good and strong on the inside, which will show on the outside. From the inside out!

Also, Michelle is recognized as a Master Trainer through the National Academy of Sports Medicine and is a Master Nutrition Coach through Precision Nutrition. She is also a certified personal trainer and holds many certifications and credentials.